Vegan Vancouver

Animals | Veganism | Health | Eats | Shops | Events | Products | Services

Animal services

Service Type Provider Info
Animal advocacy data analysis and research Vancouver Humane Society
Animal advocacy education and training Vancouver Humane Society
Animal care service The Bunny Cafe
Animal right activities and campaigns Liberation BC
Vancouver Humane Society
Animal right grant and funding Liberation BC
Veterinary assistance service Vancouver Humane Society

Vegan services

Service Type Provider Info
Free vegan meal, food, veggies, and services Sprouts Cafe
Vegan outreach, events and programs Earthsave Canada
EcoLuxLuv Communications
Liberation BC
Vegan Family Kitchen
Vegan social and networking ISKOVYCH.COM

Vegan Health services

Service Type Provider Info
Health coaching Back to Balance Nutrition
Naturopathic services Dr. Matthew Nagra
Plant-based healthcare and nutrition education Back to Balance Nutrition
Planted Expo
Plant-based nutrition and health counselling Dr. Matthew Nagra
Vegan nutrition coaching Back to Balance Nutrition
Gorilla Food Coaching

Vegan shops and stores

Shop Type Provider Info
Vegan ethical stores Friend and Faux
Vegan grocery stores Eternal Abundance
The Juice Truck Market
Vegan Supply
Vegano Foods
Vegan pet food store The Bunny Cafe Store

Vegan conferences, events, expo, and festivals

Event Name Event Time Event Period Event Fee Started Year
The Vegan Night Market Ⓥ Mar 1 night Free 2017
Planted Expo Vancouver Ⓥ Jun 2 days Paid 2014
Vancouver Vegan Festival Ⓥ Sep 1 day Free 2016

Local vegan product brands

Product Category Brand
Breakfast cereals The Juice Truck
Condiments Cofu
Ms Lee’s Natural Foods
Dairy alternatives Yoggu!
Desserts Nora’s
Say Hello
Vegan Pudding & Co.
Drinks The Juice Truck
Herbs and teas Whisk Premium Matcha
Meat alternatives Big Mountain
Om Noms
Pasta and noodles Komo Comfort Foods
Pet food No Furries Delights
Seasonings and spices Kove
Snacks Chella
Level V Bakery
Panela Lemon
Smart Bites
Soy and wheat protein Big Mountain
Sport nutrition PLANTFUEL
Sugar and natural sweetener Panela Lemon
Supplements and vitamins Nested Naturals
Sweets and chocolates GLOW
Karmavore Superfoods
Living Lotus Chocolate
Whisk Premium Matcha
Zimt Chocolates
Vegan nutrition NATURELO
Veggies San Remo
Wraps Brightside Foods
Bags Kokomo
Say Hello
Vancouver Humane Society
Body care Hello Sunday
Clothing Kokomo
Makeup Tintery
Shoes Vessi
Voes & Co
Skin care Hello Sunday

Vegan business and professional services

Service Type Service Provider
Marketing and content writing EcoLuxLuv Communications
Sandra Nomoto
Piquant Marketing
PR and Communication Sandra Nomoto
Professional coaching Piquant Marketing
Services for authors Sandra Nomoto
Social media service EcoLuxLuv Communications
Plnt Life
Piquant Marketing
Vegan beauty salons Lily & Roo
Vegan business and professional networking ISKOVYCH.COM
VEG Networking Canada
Vegan business consulting ISKOVYCH.COM
Plnt Life
Veggilicious Catering
Vancouver Humane Society
Vegan cleaning service Leo Clean
Vegan event planning and organizing Planted Expo
Vegan graphic design Joy Lopes
Plnt Life
Piquant Marketing
Vegan informational sites Vancouver Humane Society
Vegan media production Plnt Life
Vegan news and magazines EcoLuxLuv Communications
Vegan real estate service Kit Brown Realtor
Vegan tv shows and podcasts Earthsave Canada
VEG Networking Canada
Vancouver Humane Society
Vegan web design Joy Lopes