Vegan Baltimore

Veganism | Eats | Events | Products | Services

Vegan services

Service Type Provider Info
Vegan outreach, events and programs Afro-Vegan Society

Vegan bakeries, restaurants, cafes, delivery, catering, training

Service Type Provider Info
Vegan meal delivery The Vegan's Choice
Vegan catering The Vegan's Choice
Vegan meal prep service The Vegan's Choice

Vegan conferences, events, expo, and festivals

Event Name Event Time Event Period Event Fee Started Year
Vegan SoulFest Ⓥ Aug 2 days Paid 2014

Local vegan product brands

Product Category Brand
Bags Afro-Vegan Society
Clothing Afro-Vegan Society
Tableware Afro-Vegan Society

Vegan business and professional services

Service Type Service Provider
Vegan directories Afro-Vegan Society
Vegan informational sites The Vegetarian Resource Group