Vegan Ithaca

Animals | Veganism | Health | Eats | Products | Services

Animal services

Service Type Provider Info
Animal right activities and campaigns Farm Animal Rights Movement

Vegan services

Service Type Provider Info
Vegan outreach, events and programs Farm Animal Rights Movement
Vegan social and networking T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Vegan Health services

Service Type Provider Info
Plant-based health and nutrition information sites T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies
Plant-based healthcare and nutrition education T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Vegan restaurants, bakeries, cafes, delivery, catering, training

Service Type Provider Info
Vegan cooking education and training programs T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Local vegan product brands

Product Category Brand
Clothing Farm Animal Rights Movement

Vegan business and professional services

Service Type Service Provider
Vegan mfg education and training T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies